Ralph Ratcliff Models shut down

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  • Auteur
  • #15562

    Zojuist over de e-mail ontvangen:

    To all of my friends and customers,
    I started RalphRatcliffeModels.com a few years ago after having been laid off from my job as a professional modelmaker, which I held for some 28 years. I had been creating cast resin parts in both 1/87 scale, and cast resin submarine parts in 1/700, and 1/96 scale for many years previous to the creation of the website. The website served a good fill-in as I searched for a new full time career.

    I eventually found that new career with a great company, and have been working as a Model Maker, building custom surgical instruments for spine surgery for the last three years. Along with my full time job, I also build many custom models for clients all over the world, as well as making master patterns for many small model manufacturers, and then try to maintain a very busy website. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish all of this.

    As a result of the website consuming nearly all of my spare time, outside of my full time job, and sleeping, I cannot get to working on any of these projects, which I love to do.

    So I have come to the very difficult decision to shut down RalphRatcliffeModels.com and concentrate on building the custom models, and master patterns that I have been putting off for far too long.

    I have many, many loyal customers, and it’s been a pleasure to provide the top quality products that I have for the last few years. I very much appreciate each and every one of you for your patronage.

    I will by no means be gone from the 1/87 scale vehicles hobby, or the model submarine hobby, as I will continue to create new products for various customers, and I will create new products of my own as well. There will be ways in which you can acquire these products in the future, I’ll still be around. I will NOT be selling off any of my masters, or molds.

    Please contact me if you have any questions about the future of my product line, but be advised that I anticipate a lot of questions, and it may take me a while to get back to you.

    Thank You,
    William Ratcliffe
    Ralph Ratcliffe Models


    Meteen een hoop paniek op FaceBook..
    Als ze het nou eerst eens goed zouden lezen.
    Met name die yanks!
    Dus alleen de webshop stopt.
    Alles kan nog steeds bij hem worden besteld en de ontwikkelingen gaan ook gewoon door.


    Het is voor hem fijn dat hij weer een vaste baan heeft (als modellenmaker)

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